Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Ilchi Lee Best Selling Author Emphasizes the Correlation Between People’s Conscience and Greatest Potential

Ilchi Lee best selling author had the opportunity to talk about his personal journey, as well as his most current projects at the Lunch and Learn program of Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. The Lunch and Learn program of OLLI took place at the Yavapai College campus in Sedona, Arizona. This memorable Ilchi Lee event was held last 12th of February, 2014.

Ilchi Lee, who is now a certified Sedona resident for 17 years, was asked by the organizers of the event to speak because of the contributions and special experiences that he made in Sedona. As highly cognizable, the bestselling author attributes much of his creative drive and inspiration to Sedona.

Ilchi Lee explained his experiences in his notable contribution to this beautiful location, The Call of Sedona: Journey of the Heart. According to his talk in front of about 100 individuals, the majestic beauty and authentic energy of Sedona is capable of rendering its visitors the chance to open up their hearts and then experience the pureness of the energy of their souls.

Majority of Sedona’s visitor only see the superficial beauty of this place. However, Ilchi Lee explained that through their deeper sense, as well as their natural capability to feel the energy, Sedona visitors can perceive Sedona’s magic that is hidden beneath. Sedona’s strong energy can help individuals stimulate this deeper sense that Ilchi Lee is talking about.

Through this way, they can examine their selves, as well as their own energy, which includes the unchanging and pure energy that is underneath their core. The energy that Ilchi Lee talks about refers to the soul.

Ilchi Lee wrote in his Call of Sedona book and repeated in his speech that memorable afternoon that Sedona, Arizona is so beautiful; however, the soul of people is more beautiful. Ilchi Lee calls the soul as the primary source of the people’s passion, creative power and conscience. The active interaction with and expression of the conscience are considered as the keys towards development of ourselves, until we reach our fullest potential.

That afternoon as well, Ilchi Lee emphasized that what our world requires for its dilemmas at present are acumens of integrity and humanitarianism, and not just acumens of art, Science, and Mathematics. Due to the fact that all people possess conscience, we have the capacity to become humanitarian acumens.

In order to enhance this potential, this capacity, Ilchi Lee founded the Earth Citizen School. This learning institution aims to yield leaders who are committed to simultaneous self-enhancement and propagation of sustainability and peace in different communities across the globe. The leaders that this institution can produce can as well serve the good of all.

What makes this learning institution interesting is that its home base is Sedona, Arizona. Also, in order for people to access self-enhancement online, Ilchi Lee established a website which he referred to as ChangeYourEnergy.com. This Ilchi Lee website also offers online courses and highly relevant free content. Soon, specifically on April, this educational media website of Ilchi Lee best selling author will broaden its offerings to add online live classes.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Ilchi Lee chakra Healing: Realizing the Relevance of Having Healthy Chakras

Ilchi Lee Chakra healing is all about the relevance of possessing healthy Chakras. Maybe some people think, how can Chakra Healing help in building a peaceful, much better, and chaos-free world? What they don’t know is that the Chakra healing techniques of Ilchi Lee is geared towards personal development and world peace.

Ilchi Lee believes that if people are healthy, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally, they can better come up with strategies that can help them in attaining world peace. By having a sound mind and body, people won’t only think about their selves; they’ll also think of others, the other things in Earth.

As a matter of fact, Ilchi Lee even developed 2 books that talk about chakra healing- Healing Chakras and the Healing Chakras Meditations and Affirmations: Awaken Your Body’s Energy System for Complete Health, Happiness, and Peace. The first mentioned Chakra Healing book of Ilchi Lee talks about the 7 energy centers that are located inside the human body.

According to this Chakra Healing book, if all of the 7 Chakras are functioning optimally and indeed very active, people will win a life with excellent spiritual, mental, and physical health. This Ilchi Lee book is a combination of systemic therapy method for Chakra and deep spiritual philosophy. The methodologies in this book are customized to activate, balance, cleanse, and integrate all of the Chakras, in order to yield holistic and harmonious mind and body.

The second about Chakra healing of Ilchi Lee talks about the energy that flows in the body. According to Ilchi Lee, this particular energy drives and maintains the different functions in life. This energy does not only flow inside the body, but also in the entire universe. In many Asian countries, this energy is referred to as Pana, Ki, or Chi.

As explained by this Chakra Healing book, there are 7 primary points of intersection for the stream of the Qi energy, which runs down the midline of the body. Yes, these are called as Chakras. Based on the explanation of Ilchi Lee about Chakras, healthy Chakras are equal to balanced Chakras.

Why Balance the Chakras?
  • Balancing the Chakra is a must since it can render extreme relaxation. Through Chakra healing, one can decrease various kinds of stress. Chakra healing can also bring a more stable emotional and mental state. This simply implies that rejuvenating the Chakras enable people to be more effective in dealing with stress and other dilemmas associated with modern life.
  • Chakra healing can render a double whammy effect, since it is capable of boosting the immune system and the energy.
  • Chakra healing can as well alleviate the so-called habitual or recurring pain. More and more people also justify that Chakra healing can alleviate the negative effects of insomnia. Through Chakra Healing, one can easily attain a more restful state.
  • Ilchi Lee chakra healing can also increase one’s psychic abilities. Balancing and revitalizing the Chakras allows people to open up for higher energy levels, which is where the psychic knowledge or intuition operates