Monday, May 26, 2014

Ilchi Lee Education on Making Better Decisions through Fit Physicality and the Importance of Emotional Control to Achieve Greater Wellness

Physical Fitness can lead to Better Decisions…

Through various health-enhancement programs as well as education initiatives, Dr. Ilchi Lee, the founder of Dahn Yoga, emphasizes the relevance of keeping wellness. Having a lifestyle that is based on proper eating habits and being fit is truly essential. However, Dr. Ilchi Lee also wants to explain that these aspects are not just focused on the physical form.

According to Dr. Ilchi Lee, we should actively pursue emotional and mental well-being in order to improve our positive energy and eventually lead to a happy and healthy life. Dr. Ilchi Lee also explained that being fit physically is one good path towards the enhancement of the decision-making skills.

Dr. Ilchi always tell people that there is a strong correlation between the mind and body. Thus, people with imbalanced health may have weaker mental capacity as well as will. They may be emotionally imbalanced, making them susceptible to depression and mood swings, which can result to improper decision-making.
It is not a surprise that exercises are capable of improving the mood instantly, since they tend to release endorphins and disseminate these to the system. What many people don’t realize is that endorphins also directly affect the brain, since they increase the amount of blood in it, giving it with sufficient oxygen as well as nutrition- elements needed in order for the brain to function properly.

Those individuals who love working out in regular basis, especially those who do Tai Chi and Yoga activities, may find themselves that they’re sharper mentally. They tend to think clearly and they have stronger will. These translate to enhanced decision-making skills.

Have Emotional Control in order to Achieve Wellness

May is referred to as the Mental Health Month. Thus, people should partake in learning about the relevance of maintaining the brain healthy. People should also use this time to spread the awareness about this aspect. Also, people should know how the body and the mind work hand in hand to attain overall wellness. Based on the explanation of Dr. Ilchi Lee, among the big parts of proper mental health is emotional stability.

Along with creating Dahn Yoga activities which can soothe the nerves, decrease anxiety as well as help individuals have control over the feelings, Dr. Ilchi Lee, health and wellness leader, has leveraged awareness regarding the perks that can be acquired from emotional balance. In Dr. Ilchi’s The Call of Sedona: Journey of the Heart, he discussed the relevance of becoming aware on how to handle the temperaments and moods.

Dr. Ilchi also emphasized that we have to be knowledgeable on how to deal with our emotions, instead of being swept and floundered up. This book teaches the key steps in order to reach personal development as well as greater enlightenment. These 2 can help us learn how to control our feelings as well as let go of them.
Dr. Ilchi added that it is natural for us to find it difficult to let go of those emotions and/or memories especially when they are blocks to our growth. However, no matter how abyssal the emotion or the hurt is, we have to let it go.

For more Ilchi Lee education principles, consider reading his literary masterpieces, and there are plenty to choose from. However, why choose if it is possible for you to read the books of Dr. Ilchi Lee.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Proofs that the Importance of Ilchi Lee Brain Education is Being Disseminated

Indeed, no one can stop the dissemination of the Ilchi Lee Brain Education. As a matter of fact, more and more people have devoted themselves in practicing the different Brain Education techniques, from Dahn Yoga to Shim Sung, this Ilchi Lee educational system is well-appreciated. In this world, skeptics are existing, thus, many are still skeptic about the credibility and efficiency of the Brain Education of Dr. Ilchi Lee.

Dr. Ilchi Lee respects the views of those who don’t believe in his training systems, particularly to those who are skeptic about Brain Education. Guided by his good virtue, Dr. Ilchi Lee preferred not to battle the words of his critics. Instead, he proves to them, simultaneously, that Brain Education and his other teachings are very capable of employing change.

As a proof that the teachings of this genuine humanitarian is being disseminated through very feasible ways efficiently, below are some examples of how Dr. Ilchi Lee highlights the relevance of Brain Education:

  • On the 15th of August year 2009, Dr. Ilchi Lee was introduced as the main performer in the 2009 Brain Art Festival. He explored the relevance of the human brain, its incredible 3 layers, as well as the 2 hemispheres. He also stressed out the capacity of people to change their brains for the better through action, message and music.

On the mentioned event, Dr. Ilchi Lee also explored the perks of the Brain Wave Vibration, a field that also utilizes the principles of the Brain Education, so as the benefits of physical, spiritual and human aspects of the mind. Dr. Ilchi Lee also talked about the immense power of the dream of the so-called “transformation of the soul”, also referred to as Chun Hwa, so as the love for our planet and for the entire humanity.

The audience in the said event joined Dr. Ilchi Lee in the well-acclaimed Brain Declaration, a very empowering and essential statement regarding how to use the brain effectively to mold a happy, satisfying, and healthy life and world.

  • For several centuries, philosophy, arts, and technology independently progressed in the beautiful country of Korea unlike in the other parts of the world. This gave way to the development of prosperous vein of culture which is indeed unique to the country. To share this tremendous knowledge with the entire world, Dr. Ilchi Lee established the Korean Institute for Cultural Studies in the year 2004.

On 5th of June, 2004, the institute had been launched through a ceremony which took place in a 4-story structure in Cheonan, South Korea. The event marked the start of the primary hub for Korean thought and education. This Ilchi Lee education renders lectures about Korean history and philosophy. The Korean Institute for Cultural Studies aims to be on the front line when it comes to a movement for conventional Korean studies.

According to Dr. Ilchi Lee, culture can offer a bunch of perks through worthwhile studies. He also emphasized that several of Korean culture cornerstones, like meditation, can serve as a step towards the right direction to achieve peace on Earth.

These simple examples prove that Ilchi Lee braineducation is committed to its advocacy to employ positive changes on the brain, which can be radiated to the society.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Ilchi Lee Education can be acquired by Undergoing Various Dahn Yoga Workshops

As highly cognizable, Dr. Ilchi Lee developed one of the widely used mind and body training methodologies, the Dahn Yoga. This training technique of Dr. Ilchi Lee is now being practiced in various parts of the world. As a matter of fact, it is easy to locate a Dahn Yoga center near you. On top of the regular Dahn Yoga classes, Ilchi Lee education can as well be acquired through a variety of workshops, which are also inspired by the teachings of one of the greatest educators of all time.

Through the Ilchi Lee inspired workshops, one can further his personal potential. Majority of the people who take these workshops win deep appreciation for relaxation and with the fact that these can enhance the effectiveness and meaning of the regular Dahn Yoga classes. Some of the most sought-after Ilchi Lee inspired workshops are mentioned below. If you have tried Dahn Yoga before, or you are currently doing Dahn Yoga, leverage your spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental experience with these workshops.

The Initial Awakening Workshop

This is a dynamic workshop which only lasts for only 1 day. It is dynamic in a sense that it can aid individuals create a bolstered connection with their body. Through the Initial Awakening workshop, one is able to directly experience the energy system that is inside the body, as well as how it works.

This can help in opening up the energy pathways, as well as boost the core, so as awaken the practitioner’s energy sense very deeply. Also, the Initial Awakening workshop can teach you how to efficiently apply the different principles of Dahn Yoga to the daily life, in order to have greater strength, more energy, have clear focus, and be able to manage stress effectively.

The Sedona Retreat for Change

Through this workshop, you are able to put your body into equilibrium state, quiet your mind, as well as uplift your spirit. This is a journey that will last for 3 days and this can guide you in encountering life-changing events by interacting efficiently not only with yourself, but also with the nature.

With the Sedona Retreat for Change, you are able to redeem the genuine beauty that is deep within you. You will surely appreciate and love the guided meditations, since these could enhance your self-awareness at the primary vortex sites. Among the programs that are included in this 3-day journey are vortex meditation, special lectures, indoor and outdoor trainings that employ change.

The Brain Management Training Workshop

Through this Ilchi Lee inspired workshop, you are able to learn how to “own your life as well as live with integrity.” As reiterated by Dr. Ilchi Lee, managing the brain as well as the energy is the primary key in order to attain the kind of life that you have always dreamt of for yourself and for the people that you live with.
In this training, you will learn that meditation and deep breathing are among your powerful tools in order to manage your brain and your energy effectively.

What are you waiting for, experience the Ilchi Lee education through these simple yet very useful and life-changing workshops.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Ilchi Lee Current News: Endless Advocacies of the Great Ilchi

No wonder why there are numerous people who idolize and respect Dr. Ilchi Lee. Aside from being a New York Times Bestselling Author, he is also a mentor, a philosopher, and a humanitarian. He is also deemed by several individuals as one of the most compassionate persons this world ever had. Also, many people believes that Dr. Ilchi Lee is capable of modifying the way of our lives, as well as make this planet a better world. Because of his immense works, many follow the Ilchi lee current news.

While some people criticize the works of Dr. Ilchi Lee, many advocate his beliefs and ideologies. This man is very dedicated in helping people understand and attain Personal Growth. For those who are not familiar about Dr. Ilchi and his works, yet eager to know more about this magnificent man, the following current news can help them comprehend why this man is well-loved by many.

VISIONFEST Film Festival Announces the Inclusion of Change Documentary in Upcoming Event

The revolutionary of Dr. Ilchi Lee, which is Change: The LifeParticle Effect has been chosen by the administrators of VISIONFEST to be shown in its upcoming event. After some private screenings, VISIONFEST’s Selection Committee had chosen to show a little less than 10% of the amassed film submissions at the mentioned film festival.

The director of the Ilchi Lee documentary, EJ Lim, said that the whole team is honored and excited to be included in the line-up of VISIONFEST. Mr. Lim furthered that the team is grateful to acquire more opportunities, since they are able to share the message of the Change documentary to the world.

Change: The LifeParticle Effect was screened as one of the films for the 2014 independent Vision Competition & Showcase, which will be introduced on May 14 to 18 at Tribeca Cinemas. Also, the Change film has the opportunity to win Independent Vision Awards, based on 14 categories. The IVA Ceremony will be held on 18th of May, which is the closing night of the program.

New Book Contest for the Launching of Ilchi Lee’s Bird of the Soul

In relation to the launching of Dr. Ilchi Lee’s new book which is entitled as Bird of the Soul, the author himself and the publisher of the mentioned book, Best Life media, host an online contest. The online contest which is referred to as Reveal the Bird of Your Soul, launched at, was opened last 14th of April 2014. The said online contest will last until the 9th of May 2014 at exactly 11:59 pm PDT.

The Bird of the Soul book as well as the accompanying meditation techniques allow the readers to picture their soul in a form of a bird. Through this way, they can have fulfilling and supportive connection to their soul.

The contestants are asked to become acquainted with the bird of their souls. They have to describe the bird of their souls and submit their description through the web page comments in any kind of electronic format, whether in a form of image, text, video or gif.

The mentioned Ilchi Lee current news emphasize that Dr. Ilchi Lee works hard, not to become famous, but in order to propagate the teachings that he have learned during his early years.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Ilchi Lee: The Life of Ilchi Lee

Ilchi Lee is renowned as the bestselling author because of his inspirational words and works that have helped a lot of people from around the world. Although he may have received many praises and gained popularity, it was never his intention and purpose why most of his life was dedicated to help people as much as he can.

Following Lee as a teacher, his experience in Mount Moak convinced him to teach and share what he has learned to people because he wants them to experience what he had experienced and that is to achieve a healthier physical well-being that will allow them to think and make the right choices in life. If people will consistently make a choice that can improve their selves, that can help improve the entire humanity as well.

In the park of Anyang, Lee started to teach a stroke victim and helped him recover from his illness. Since then, the crowed became bigger and bigger. So after five years of teaching groups of people in the park, he decided to rent a space in Seoul, Korea to accommodate them all. This space became the first center of Dahn Yoga.

Lee taught various forms of exercises that improved gradually into a wider range of exercises including over 360 brain enhancement as well as innovative meditation techniques that was divided into number of programs and workshops. This training that involves the body, mind, and spirit is known as the Brain Education. This training is associated with the culture of Sundo as well as the philosophy of the ancient Korean with the neuroscience theory that will help you learn the basic steps of learning how to use the brain properly. Brain Education is a lot more effective compared to those conventional exercises since it offers a deeper understanding regarding healthy living and successful development of human beings.

Lee is also a compassionate humanitarian which was started when he was invited to talk at the United Nation Millennium World Peace Summit in New York City way back in August 2000. This summit was attended by both spiritual and religious leaders from around the world. It is during this summit when he delivered the prayer of peace which he intended to write for the occasion. Lee wrote this prayer for the purpose to unite each and every individual in the world regardless of their age, race, religion, and belief.

Lee also was invited to become the host of the New Millennium World Peace Conference in Seoul in 2001. There were thousands of people who attended this conference and were able to find ways on how to help the world achieve peace and harmony. Aside from this wonderful event, he continued to host a lot of conferences and seminars in Korea particularly at the University of Brain Education and Korea Institute of Brain Science.

Ilchi Lee has vowed to help as much people as he can which is why he dedicated most of his life reaching people all over the world to help them achieve a healthier, happier, and peaceful life.