Monday, December 16, 2013

Ilchi Lee Best-Selling Author

If you are looking for a way to improve your life and your way of living you may want to start by getting to the Ilchi Lee and seeing what he has to teach you. Ilchi Lee best selling author has been at work for most of his life just trying to get people to use their heads to improve themselves so they can improve their lives and in a way be better citizens of the world. Get to know more about Ilchi Lee below and know more about his works as well.

Who is he?

Ilchi lee is a best selling author from South Korea and he is best-known for his work as a founder of different mind-body training methods that include Dahn Yoga, Dahnak, Brain Education, DahnMudo, and Brain Respiration. He may be huge now but he had humble beginnings since he started his work in a simple park back in the 80’s. From his humble roots, his practice has now developed into a vast international network of non-profit and for-profit entities.

He was born and bred in South Korea where his father worked as a school teacher. There were reports that the young Lee suffered in school because he had a preference for imaginative play and couldn’t focus very well on school work. A few years later, he would admit that he had ADD and overcame it by way of a strict regimen that included physical and mental training. In his books, he suggests that it was due to his early experiences that he came up with the brain based techniques that he has come up with.

His philosophy

Ilchi Lee is a man that believes people should work hard to wake up their brains so they become better people but he is also a firm believer that people should work for a greater good. In this case, the greater good would be to achieve world peace. In fact, he believes that world peace is just about the most important thing in the world and he admits that the ultimate goal of his training is to help people work toward world peace. He says that by waking up the brain and improving yourself, you learn to look at others and the world in a new light. You see the world and the people as your kin and this divisiveness is avoided.

He is such a firm believer in peace that he has even come up with the now-famous Prayer for Peace. Anyone who has ever seen this will say that it is indeed one of the more profound woks by Ilchi Lee best-selling author. It is a prayer that calls in people to let go of all thoughts if negativity and start looking at each other as citizens of the earth rather than as “others”. He believes that the more people start to let go of things that divide them the easier it will be for them to identify with others and see them as brothers so peace is achieved at last.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Brain Wave Vibration for a Healthier You

According to Ilchi Lee, the purpose and power of brain wave vibration is the key to understanding on how to achieve health, happiness and peace. We all know that our life is defined by our brain waves. We can actually use our brain waves to create more health, happiness and peace in our life. Ilchi Lee designed a special exercise using our brain waves to heal ourselves and even other people as well.

“The human brain represents the infinity opportunity … our powers are endless if we understand, harness, and empower ourselves to look inside and educate ourselves on our potential.” – Ilchi Lee

The ultimate use of our brain is to create the life we want and treat it as the greatest masterpiece. Our brain is the center of our being.It has cognitive processing powers such as reading and math, guides all our activities, origin of all our behavior and experience. With brain education we can make the right choices to improve our quality of life and contribute for the greater good of all.

Brain Wave Vibration is a book by Ilchi Lee that teaches the simple truth that creating a miracle is just a matter of coming back to who you really are. It is a powerful, easy-to-follow brain fitness and holistic healing method that helps people bring their bodies and minds back into balance for total health, happiness and peace.

It comes in a paperback form and in E-book form which can be purchased at or online. The following are the awards given to the book since its publication:

Winner of a 2009 Arizona Book Publishers Association
Glyph Award
Winner of a 2009 Gold Medal in the Living Now Book Awards
Winner of a 2010 Silve Medal in the Nautilus Book Awards

Brain Wave Vibration comes in a revised and expanded edition. Included in the book are:

More Brain Wave Vibration success stories
A deeper explanation of the science behind the method
The results of Brain Wave Vibration experiments performed by Japanese researchers
Author Ilchi Lee's description of our three brain "diseases"
A Foreword by Elkhonon Goldberg, Ph.D., author of "The Executive Brain: Frontal Lobes and the Civilized Mind"

After reading the Brain Wave Vibration by Ilchi Lee, you will:

Stimulate your natural healing ability
Manage your stress effectively
Rediscover physical vitality
Awaken your creative potential
Connect to your highest self
Enhance your overall brain health

Here is a poem written by one after reading the book:

My Experience with Brain Wave Vibration (a poem!)
by Tommy Tunes

To be guided to your own perfect rhythm,
to be coaxed yet never forced,
to be encouraged to find the unique vibration within,
and thus to live with it to its fullest
and highest degree.
This is the path as I perceive it. To each his own.

Below are some editorial reviews:

“A pioneering and highly ingenious approach to brain health”
– Elkhonon Goldberg, Ph.D., ABPP, Clinical Professor of Neurology, New York University School of Medicine, Author of The Executive Brain

“A highly accessible program of simple training exercises for health and transformation”
– John Gruzelier, Professorial Research Fellow, Goldsmiths, University of London

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Ilchi Lee Brain Wave Vibration: A Great Book to Read and Learn

Ilchi Lee has contributed a lot when it comes to the aspect of achieving peace and harmony. One contribution that is remarkable is Ilchi Lee Brain Wave Vibration. It is a great book to read and learn about. It talks much on the deciphering of God and the power of prayer and the brain. Well, it is basically part of his drive to teach people that peace is achievable through the use or application of the brain. Then, the application of the brain power is graspable through prayer and in-depth concentration and internal meditation.

What is the focus of Brain Wave Vibration?

This book talks about God as a specific and ultimate entity. Brain Wave Vibration is a developed method with concentration on going beneath the surface level, stopping the essence of spirituality; instead, a step to go deeper and deeper is a must. According to Ilchi Lee, thinking about spirituality is just at the tip not at the deep area. By stop thinking on it, people could have a chance to experience it and its wonders. Spirituality is something beyond what a common mind can conceive.

It is important according to him since the processing of thoughts and ideas originates in this aspect. When it is done in a polished way; then, people could be experiencing the real essence of peace and harmony. This harmony has a deeper connotation. This peace and harmony is the reason why people would become successful and progressive.

Mankind is always bombarded by an ample amount of suffering. The level of it is differentiating. And there are some instances where people can no longer fathom its impact and effects. Upon having this sort of suffering, people should resort to the deeper meaning of spirituality. Spirituality is not just about prayers, visible prayers to be more exact. Rather, it is about an in-depth penetration of what is beyond the visible spaces. It is something deeper. It goes beyond the limit of mankind’s common rationality.

Then, the idea of oneness is also exemplified in this book and teaching of Ilchi Lee. His thoughts are parallel on what the Bible is saying about peace – the peace that surpasses all understanding. This implicit line is a widened explanation on the aspect of how and why to have peace.

Peace is something that is important when it comes to a holistic growth and progress. People should understand that without peace, progress is far at hand. With peace, peace is achievable.

With Lee’s book, he explained the necessity to go beyond what is perceivable by human senses. To be spiritual is to conceive and perceive what is there beyond the physical context. The role of the brain in it is vital as it tries to traverse to a dimension beyond the so-called ‘physical context.’

The interconnection of constructs is presented by Ilchi Lee. The concepts on spirituality, peace, power of the brain, and goal satisfaction are what he is trying to focus and expound. Ilchi Lee Brain Wave Vibration is an important masterpiece that is helpful to mankind nowadays.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Ilchi Lee Brain Education Information and Benefits

Most of the time people who feel ill will turn to doctors and load up on medicines and supplements to heal their physical bodies. This set of processes is fine if the feeling of malaise is indeed physical but what if it is more than that? What if the illness is brought about by an imbalance in your energy centres? No amount of medicine will help you balance your chakras. The best thing for you to do would be to educate yourself on learning how to use your brain for mind-body healing.

What is brain education?

According to Ilchi Lee, the brain is something that is exclusive to experts and scientists. Each and every human being has the power and the ability to understand their own brains because it has so much power over every aspect of their lives. According to Ilchi Lee, within the brain is everything a person is and everything a person can be and this is why mastering the brain is a must. He then created ‘brain education’ so he can give people of all ages tangible tools to manage their brains and thereby reach personal growth and fulfilment.

Brain Education starts with a foundation of good physical health that has a focus on proper function of the sensory systems and motor; and it even goes beyond that. With this form of education, you learn to transform the stress response whereby you place it in the care or service of a much higher executive control. When used by an individual, it can teach you a lot about self-actualization and also help empower you. When used collectively, it can be a tool for the overall betterment of humanity.

In order for you to make the life that you want and to treat is as the great gift that it is you have to make use of your brain. The problem is that most people look at their brains and only consider it for its processing power and forget that it is a guide for basically everything they do and feel; it feels, it reacts, it gets angry, and it dictates behaviour.

With greater awareness of how the brain works and given tools to improve its functions, you can bet you will start to see and feel results in no time at all. Brain Education can help you make better choices that will improve your circumstances and help you become a better person that works for the good of everyone and not just yourself.

Try it out

It really is to your benefit to try out the techniques given by Ilchi Lee Brain Education. You will be introduced to the different stages of brain awakening and each one will be explained thoroughly because knowledge brings you power to gain control over your mental facilities. Not only will you be guided through the five different steps but you will also be introduced to brain wave tools like the BOS principle and the Brain Wave tool to get you started.

Monday, November 18, 2013

The Power of the Human Brain: Ilchi Lee Education

Having a healthy lifestyle is very important especially to those people who depend on their bodies for a living. It is imperative to take proper care of the mind and body in order to improve one's quality of life.

This brings us to one of the greatest teaching that slowly made its way to people who wants to improve their state of mind through the means of developing the potentials of the human brain. Ilchi Lee is an author, a philosopher and an educator who has had long worked on how to use the human brain properly in order to enhance spiritual growth, find fulfilment and inner peace.

Ilchi Lee education teaches people a once in a lifetime opportunity to find what the brain can do for us. His different theories about the human brain have helped a number of people when it comes to meditation, to have healthier body, personal or self empowerment, and even things like improving ones learning and business success.

There are 5 ways to aid in awakening the brain, according to his teaching. And these steps are:

Brain Sensitizing. This is the first step, and it involves opening of the meridians to create a vision of “space” and “clarity”. By increasing the sensitivity of the brain and the body, blood can flow freely which helps in improving energy and oxygen distribution in the body. This can provide enough strength as well as maintained and full energy levels.

Brain Versatilizing. This second step involves body flexibility and awakens multifaceted brain. It is on this phase that you can develop flexibility in both mind and body by the disciplining procedures of paired mental as well as physical exercise. The result? It will be easier for you to open up and get rid of preconceived ideas.

Brain Refreshing. The third step involves proper breathing. Through inhaling and exhaling, the brain can easily recognize its emotional awareness, which can create a way to transform bad attitudes or habits into more positive ones. Imagine resetting or refreshing a computer in order for it to function properly again. This is the same with brain refreshing, when the brain is too exhausted, you need to revitalize it through relaxation, inhaling and exhaling what needs to be changed.

Brain Integrating. The fourth step and it involves using the brain as a whole. This specific step relies on integrating the different areas of the human brain in order to uncover hidden skills and capabilities. This allows you to act towards the balanced function of your brain giving you new ways to work harmoniously to find good judgement.

Brain Mastering. This last step involves more brain building and refining. By applying the courses or the process of brain education, you can improve or execute good control on your brain which can lead to an improved state of mind and quality of life.

Ilchi Lee Education gives us more ways to achieve a healthier lifestyle by improving the central part of our body – the brain. It is true that the brain controls everything, thus it makes it very appropriate to start development from there.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Concise Introduction to Ilchi Lee Brain Education

Indeed, Ilchi Lee has an amazing mind, and he uses his mind for the welfare of the common good. Ilchi Lee, philosopher, educator, and author, introduced brain education techniques and theories, because he intends to promote spiritual fulfillment and growth, as well as inner peace. Ilchi Lee believes we are capable enough of controlling our own brain. He believes that if we attain control, then it’s possible for us to reach higher consciousness.

Ilchi Lee brain education has 5 steps, and these includes brain sensitizing, versatilizing, the refreshing stage, integrating, and finally, mastering stage. Through application of these steps to certain goals, we could enhance the quality of our lives.

The Five Steps of the Brain Education
Brain Sensitizing

In this particular stage, the practitioners revive their main senses, and then establish awareness of their body-brain concentration. Through this procedure, practitioners are able to snag tools that could inhibit their stress response system. Breath-training exercises, as well as energetic, stretching movements are proven to enhance the cardiovascular circulation. These exercises could as well fine-tune the autonomic nervous system.

Brain Versatilizing

In this stage, the practitioners will learn how to develop their body and mind’s flexibility. Through self-discipline and careful observation, practitioners can modify their behavior in order to have more productive and healthier habits. This particular stage depends and builds on the changeability or plasticity of the brain.

Brain Refreshing

This involves the healing of the Chakra, and Meditation Tours. Here, the practitioners start to be aware of how stored emotions, as well as preconceptions could influence the quality of life. In this stage, practitioners will know how to let go of ideas and memories that are already useless.

This must be achieved in order to handle a variety of situations with a fresh and clear mind. According to Ilchi Lee, full control of emotions and awareness could enable people to make emotions, base on their choice.
Brain Integrating

In this particular step, brain’s various functional areas are being integrated. This is done in order to release the so-called latent capacities. Through this way, the communication and cooperation between the right and left hemispheres’ of brain can be improved. It can also enhance the cooperation and communication between the subcortical structures and cerebral cortex.

Brain Mastering

Suffice to say, Brain Mastering has something to do with daily life application and reapplication of the 4 initial stages, to achieve concrete goals. This is the stage wherein the practitioners gain executive control of the brain.

 This results to continuous process of personal improvement and enhancement of quality life. Practitioners are more capable of using the so-called power of choice, as well as volition. They eventually become conscious authors or controllers of their lives.

Ilchi Lee also emphasized the Brain Wave Vibration technique, wherein the rhythmic and physical movements go along during meditation, in order to strengthen the connection of the body, mind, and spirit. By simply letting go of the physical tension, the brain will attain better focus. Indeed, Ilchi Lee Brain Education is beneficial.

Monday, November 4, 2013

The Enlightening Dahn Yoga Benefits through Ilchi Lee Brain Education

The enlightening Dahn Yoga benefits are indeed undeniable. Because of the ability of Dahn Yoga to put a person towards the right path, more and more people are enticed to participate in Dahn Yoga classes.  If you’re among these people, you should first have a decent comprehension of what Dahn Yoga is.

Basically, Dahn Yoga that was founded by Ilchi Lee is referred to as the national leader when it comes to wellness and health. It is comprised of a variety of mind and body training programs, which include Tai Chi, meditation, as well as yoga. The training programs involved in Dahn Yoga are all based on the Korean’s conventional healing philosophy, also, on the energy principles of East Asians.

Because of the enlightenment, peace, and functionality that Dahn Yoga offers, it is now being practiced in various parts of America. If you’re interested in participating in Dahn Yoga, check out if your community offers classes.

Dahn Yoga pertains to the power of energy, and it has been derived from a Korean term, which is Dahn. Dahn simply means life energy. One of the aims of those who teach Dahn Yoga is to aid the practitioners in achieving a balanced, healthy, as well as energetic life. Through this way, they’ll be inspired to make certain positive acts for the welfare of their communities.

Are you lost, and you want to enhance the quality of your life? Dahn Yoga can be the answer. You may think that it is just another mainstream meditation program, which offer practices that are similar with other mind-body training schemes. Dahn Yoga has a unique nature.

Through classes and some workshops, Dahn Yoga can improve you, so that you could better experience serenity, power, vitality, and above all, qi or life energy. Once you enhance your sense of energy, you’ll earn pertinent energy, you’ll experience better well-being, and you’ll have emotional stability.

Dahn Yoga offers a myriad of benefits. Through diligent and regular practice, those who want to engage in Dahn Yoga could enhance their condition amazingly. Below are some of the noted Dahn Yoga benefits:
Benefits on Physical Body

Enhanced digestion
Could aid in losing weight
Enhanced posture
Enhanced strength, as well as flexibility
Improved breathing
Decreased cases of headaches, as well as upper body tension
May lessen the signs and symptoms acquired from injuries and old illnesses
You’ll have better sleep
Emotional Benefits of Dahn Yoga

You can control your emotions better
Enhanced enjoyment
Enhancement freedom
It’ll be easier for you to have peace of mind
You’ll better appreciate love and empathy
Enhanced self-confidence

Mental Benefits of Dahn Yoga

You can manage stress easily
Enhanced concentration and focus
Enhanced memory
Enhanced creativity

Dahn Yoga’s Spiritual Benefits

You’ll have better understanding of the purpose of life
You’ll be more joyful
Enlightenment of the spirit
Enhanced optimism

What are you waiting for, enroll to a Dahn Yoga class now, or search for Dahn Yoga workshops, and reap the Dahn Yoga benefits.