Monday, November 18, 2013

The Power of the Human Brain: Ilchi Lee Education

Having a healthy lifestyle is very important especially to those people who depend on their bodies for a living. It is imperative to take proper care of the mind and body in order to improve one's quality of life.

This brings us to one of the greatest teaching that slowly made its way to people who wants to improve their state of mind through the means of developing the potentials of the human brain. Ilchi Lee is an author, a philosopher and an educator who has had long worked on how to use the human brain properly in order to enhance spiritual growth, find fulfilment and inner peace.

Ilchi Lee education teaches people a once in a lifetime opportunity to find what the brain can do for us. His different theories about the human brain have helped a number of people when it comes to meditation, to have healthier body, personal or self empowerment, and even things like improving ones learning and business success.

There are 5 ways to aid in awakening the brain, according to his teaching. And these steps are:

Brain Sensitizing. This is the first step, and it involves opening of the meridians to create a vision of “space” and “clarity”. By increasing the sensitivity of the brain and the body, blood can flow freely which helps in improving energy and oxygen distribution in the body. This can provide enough strength as well as maintained and full energy levels.

Brain Versatilizing. This second step involves body flexibility and awakens multifaceted brain. It is on this phase that you can develop flexibility in both mind and body by the disciplining procedures of paired mental as well as physical exercise. The result? It will be easier for you to open up and get rid of preconceived ideas.

Brain Refreshing. The third step involves proper breathing. Through inhaling and exhaling, the brain can easily recognize its emotional awareness, which can create a way to transform bad attitudes or habits into more positive ones. Imagine resetting or refreshing a computer in order for it to function properly again. This is the same with brain refreshing, when the brain is too exhausted, you need to revitalize it through relaxation, inhaling and exhaling what needs to be changed.

Brain Integrating. The fourth step and it involves using the brain as a whole. This specific step relies on integrating the different areas of the human brain in order to uncover hidden skills and capabilities. This allows you to act towards the balanced function of your brain giving you new ways to work harmoniously to find good judgement.

Brain Mastering. This last step involves more brain building and refining. By applying the courses or the process of brain education, you can improve or execute good control on your brain which can lead to an improved state of mind and quality of life.

Ilchi Lee Education gives us more ways to achieve a healthier lifestyle by improving the central part of our body – the brain. It is true that the brain controls everything, thus it makes it very appropriate to start development from there.

1 comment:

  1. They all receive energy from the electricity grid above them through a wire that comes down to each car. It was a symbolic representation of the universal intelligence and space power which goes through a wire down to every man and that we use depending on how strong we push the accelerator. He found that he could take more of that all embracing intelligence, if he chooses so.

    ilchi lee education
