Physical Fitness can lead to Better Decisions…
Through various health-enhancement programs as well as education initiatives, Dr. Ilchi Lee, the founder of Dahn Yoga, emphasizes the relevance of keeping wellness. Having a lifestyle that is based on proper eating habits and being fit is truly essential. However, Dr. Ilchi Lee also wants to explain that these aspects are not just focused on the physical form.
According to Dr. Ilchi Lee, we should actively pursue emotional and mental well-being in order to improve our positive energy and eventually lead to a happy and healthy life. Dr. Ilchi Lee also explained that being fit physically is one good path towards the enhancement of the decision-making skills.
Dr. Ilchi always tell people that there is a strong correlation between the mind and body. Thus, people with imbalanced health may have weaker mental capacity as well as will. They may be emotionally imbalanced, making them susceptible to depression and mood swings, which can result to improper decision-making.
It is not a surprise that exercises are capable of improving the mood instantly, since they tend to release endorphins and disseminate these to the system. What many people don’t realize is that endorphins also directly affect the brain, since they increase the amount of blood in it, giving it with sufficient oxygen as well as nutrition- elements needed in order for the brain to function properly.
Those individuals who love working out in regular basis, especially those who do Tai Chi and Yoga activities, may find themselves that they’re sharper mentally. They tend to think clearly and they have stronger will. These translate to enhanced decision-making skills.
Have Emotional Control in order to Achieve Wellness
May is referred to as the Mental Health Month. Thus, people should partake in learning about the relevance of maintaining the brain healthy. People should also use this time to spread the awareness about this aspect. Also, people should know how the body and the mind work hand in hand to attain overall wellness. Based on the explanation of Dr. Ilchi Lee, among the big parts of proper mental health is emotional stability.
Along with creating Dahn Yoga activities which can soothe the nerves, decrease anxiety as well as help individuals have control over the feelings, Dr. Ilchi Lee, health and wellness leader, has leveraged awareness regarding the perks that can be acquired from emotional balance. In Dr. Ilchi’s The Call of Sedona: Journey of the Heart, he discussed the relevance of becoming aware on how to handle the temperaments and moods.
Dr. Ilchi also emphasized that we have to be knowledgeable on how to deal with our emotions, instead of being swept and floundered up. This book teaches the key steps in order to reach personal development as well as greater enlightenment. These 2 can help us learn how to control our feelings as well as let go of them.
Dr. Ilchi added that it is natural for us to find it difficult to let go of those emotions and/or memories especially when they are blocks to our growth. However, no matter how abyssal the emotion or the hurt is, we have to let it go.
For more Ilchi Lee education principles, consider reading his literary masterpieces, and there are plenty to choose from. However, why choose if it is possible for you to read the books of Dr. Ilchi Lee.
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