Monday, December 16, 2013

Ilchi Lee Best-Selling Author

If you are looking for a way to improve your life and your way of living you may want to start by getting to the Ilchi Lee and seeing what he has to teach you. Ilchi Lee best selling author has been at work for most of his life just trying to get people to use their heads to improve themselves so they can improve their lives and in a way be better citizens of the world. Get to know more about Ilchi Lee below and know more about his works as well.

Who is he?

Ilchi lee is a best selling author from South Korea and he is best-known for his work as a founder of different mind-body training methods that include Dahn Yoga, Dahnak, Brain Education, DahnMudo, and Brain Respiration. He may be huge now but he had humble beginnings since he started his work in a simple park back in the 80’s. From his humble roots, his practice has now developed into a vast international network of non-profit and for-profit entities.

He was born and bred in South Korea where his father worked as a school teacher. There were reports that the young Lee suffered in school because he had a preference for imaginative play and couldn’t focus very well on school work. A few years later, he would admit that he had ADD and overcame it by way of a strict regimen that included physical and mental training. In his books, he suggests that it was due to his early experiences that he came up with the brain based techniques that he has come up with.

His philosophy

Ilchi Lee is a man that believes people should work hard to wake up their brains so they become better people but he is also a firm believer that people should work for a greater good. In this case, the greater good would be to achieve world peace. In fact, he believes that world peace is just about the most important thing in the world and he admits that the ultimate goal of his training is to help people work toward world peace. He says that by waking up the brain and improving yourself, you learn to look at others and the world in a new light. You see the world and the people as your kin and this divisiveness is avoided.

He is such a firm believer in peace that he has even come up with the now-famous Prayer for Peace. Anyone who has ever seen this will say that it is indeed one of the more profound woks by Ilchi Lee best-selling author. It is a prayer that calls in people to let go of all thoughts if negativity and start looking at each other as citizens of the earth rather than as “others”. He believes that the more people start to let go of things that divide them the easier it will be for them to identify with others and see them as brothers so peace is achieved at last.

1 comment:

  1. The great part about finding the answer was a truly life changing experience, I was always an aggressor, it had to be my way or the high way. I can now safely say that I accept people and events as the come. Learning to let go was the most important lesson I could ever learn.

    ilchi lee current news
